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what is child counselling ? | 6 signs that your child needs it
Child counselling involves therapy to assess the issues that the child is experiencing. The process of child counselling involves the assessment of the child, parents, their school environment, their temperament, habits, likes-dislikes and psychometric tests. This helps in identifying the problem hence providing the best possible solution. Parental counselling is also conducted along with the child for professional tips and advice to deal with their child.    Signs that a child may require counselling    1. Behavior problems at home and outside of the home It is important to be aware of where and when your child acts out especially if behaviours are out of place in certain situations. Homelife such as family dynamics can impact the behaviour of a child. The behaviour of a child can also dramatically change during times of emotional stress especially if these stresses are associated with major life changes.  This can be when they are moving to a new house or losing a loved one. Over time, the child’s behaviour would usually improve however some children have more trouble adjusting compared to others.     2. Sudden changes or withdrawal in usual interests and habits   A shift in interests and habits such as withdrawal and loss of interest from any activities in which the child was very interested can show that there may be underlying reasons for their mental wellbeing. These can be symptoms of depression. It is essential during this period to determine if the disinterest is mood-related or merely fatigue from engaging in that favoured activity. If a child usually enjoys art but has been active in art projects frequently for the past two or more months, he/she may just be tired of engaging in art activities. There can be several underlying factors in which a professional can further assess the shifts in habits and interests    3. Regression Regression can vary however children would act in a younger or needier way including more temper tantrums, sleeping or eating difficulties or reverting to more immature ways of talking.  Regressions are common when any major life changes take place in the home such as a new sibling is born or when divorce occurs. When a divorce occurs within the child’s family, it can be distressing for a child as children often blame themselves for the situation as a result these children feel unlovable. A child having then to choose between parents can cause the child to feel uneasy, anxious,  and guilty, especially when they have to decide who they want to reside with. Additionally,  children whose decisions often do not align with their parents or siblings often feel sad,  confused, distressed, and overwhelmed.  On a positive note, child counsellors can teach children, who are going through or who have gone through a divorce how to cope with their conflicting and confusing feelings through a wide range of techniques, such as deep breathing, art or music therapy, positive self-talk, journaling,  exercising, and talking to a trusted friend or relative about their feelings and thoughts.    4. Social isolation  If your child or teen spending more time in their room and not reaching out to family or friends, this is another sign that they may need to get some extra support. While some children may want a little downtime to themselves, too much alone time can exacerbate depression.  Not sure what social isolation may look like as a child? Here are a few ways that children socially isolate when they are upset:  Eating lunch alone  Avoiding playdates and other social activities  A lack of desire to leave the house for any reason    5. Unusual behaviours If a child is displaying more heightened distress, frequent crying, sadness, anger, irritability, agitation, or not engaging in previously enjoyable activities this may also signal there are mental health issues that a psychologist could help with. Other things to be aware of are:  Change in sleeping patterns may mean a child may be feeling anxious or depressed. Perhaps the child is having trouble falling asleep due to certain stresses or concern  Headbanging  Repeated biting, hitting or kicking    6. Self-harm If your child shows any feelings or ideas of self-harm, it is important that you seek help for them urgently. This can present itself subtly with hints of hopelessness and loneliness. Otherwise, it can be much more direct and can be known with the presence of suicidal thoughts and cutting.   While suicidal thoughts and cutting may seem extreme for younger children, it is important to note that feelings of self-harm can be expressed in various ways. Hitting oneself, banging one’s head against something or digging nails into the skin are signs of self-harm. If you notice any of these behaviours, acknowledge them and seek professional assistance for your child immediately.  Here are more signs that a child may require child counselling    Importance of child counselling Counselling for children is important especially if they are experiencing any of the above symptoms. Child counsellors are certified mental health specialists with an expert to deal with children. They know how to attend to a child and identify what’s wrong with them. They are trained to go deep inside the mind of children and find the problematic area. It is also an opportunity for the child to learn to regulate their emotions and understand the connection between their feelings and behaviour in order to have more control over them.    The therapist develops a relationship of trust with the child allowing the child to freely express themselves, gain awareness and understanding of the inner-self. This can help the child in the long run with:  Increase in self-esteem and confidence  Decrease of anxiety and depression.  Development of a healthy sense of self   Increase of social competencies  If you notice any signs or symptoms shown above, please seeking online professional help for the benefit of your child, especially during times of Covid. Please rest assured as our professionals are here to help you!  If you would like to consult or connect with a professional feel free to download our Cyber Clinic app on the Apple Store or on Google Play. You may also head to how it works on how to download the app. Our practitioners offer Medicare rebates.   


covid and lockdowns - time for a mental health reset
In June 2020, Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder of the World Economic Forum, commented "The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world". Of course, none of us could have foreseen that COVID would continue to wreak destruction on lives and communities across our planet well into 2021, disconnecting us from our families, from the freedoms of our everyday lifestyles, and from our taken-for-granted opportunities to travel, meet new people, adventure and explore. 2021, for many of us, has been a year in which our world has grown smaller, cocooning for months on end inside our homes, living our social and work lives through laptop screens and phones. For others, it’s been a year of extended work hours in manufacturing, retail, healthcare, freight delivery and all the other services that function to keep our communities going with the essentials to survive. Under such circumstances, it’s not hard for deep fatigue, irritability, worry, depressed thoughts, and a motivation-sucking vacuum to slip unnoticed into our minds and bodies, weighing us down and drowning out the small pleasures of our daily lives – the coffee we drank in a slant of early morning light, a giggle we’ve shared, the early feel of Spring, the lengthening twilight of our evenings. While the pandemic has taken away from our daily lives, it has also given something back in equal abundance – the gift of time. It's time for a reset With the lessened need for long commutes and the general busyness of our everyday pre-COVID activities, and to paraphrase Professor Schwab, this precious window of time offers each of us an opportunity to reflect on how we have been living our lives, re-imagining what we would like to change about our every day, and resetting what is needed to bring about sustained, meaningful and purposeful change to our inner and outer lives. A way to start reflecting on this is to have a think about what really matters to us in life – what we would want our legacy to be. Some questions we can ask ourselves to identify our deeper values are: How do I want to feel about myself and how do I live my life? How do I want my loved ones to feel about me? What matters to me about my physical and emotional health? What do I want to give to my community/other human beings? What kind of parent/partner/sibling/child do I want to be? What is important to me about my work life? How do I want to grow as a person? Acceptance and Commitment Therapy In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, we call this the Life Compass – a navigational tool to help us conduct our lives guided by a deep sense of stability and inner wisdom. One of the great things about reflecting on these questions is the realisation that we can all make positive changes in ourselves and in our actions now. They’re not dependent on pandemics, lockdowns, vaccination status, what we have/what we don’t have – we already have the seedlings to grow and cultivate new attitudes and behaviours in each new moment.  If you would like to consult or connect with Clodagh, feel free to download our Cyber Clinic app on the Apple Store or on Google Play. You may also head to How it Works on how to download the app. 


how to overcome depression at home | covid-19 support
Depression is not just sadness that stays with you for a few weeks, depression is a condition that impacts your everyday thoughts, feelings, behaviour, or actions in the long run   Depression symptoms include    A huge decline in interest and pleasure in activities you used to enjoy  Negative thoughts Loss of energy, constant fatigue, and issues with sleep The shift in appetite and weight Difficulty with concentration and making decisions Withdrawal from close/loved ones Depend on alcohol and sedatives Low Self- esteem to thoughts of suicide/death Anxiety and depression can occur at the same time, if you are also experiencing anxiety, we have more information on how to cope with anxiety    Ways to tackle depression at home   Diet During times of stress, anxiety and depression, you may experience a shift in diet and appetite that can also impact your lifestyle. Hence it is essential to eat mindfully and healthily by choosing the types of foods and how much to eat. This will improve your diet performance and can reduce symptoms of depression. Nutrients such as healthy fats, fibres to vitamins and minerals play a role in our mental health and function. Moreover, don’t forget the food pyramid. The food pyramid is a basic starter and guides on what food groups we should consume and how much we should consume. You can take a BMI quiz and view your meal plan based on your and your body type.  Meditation Practising mediation regularly assist your brain in managing stress and anxiety that can be a root cause for depression. Meditation teaches our mind to maintain focus and to return to that focus when symptoms of depression interfere.  Exercise A stronger body = a stronger mind. Exercising releases endorphins and brain chemicals that can improve your sense of well-being. It also assists in building your confidence while allowing you to take your mind of negative thoughts or feelings that can arise from depression and anxiety. In times of Covid, gyms may not be open to everyone, however, there are many workout videos you may complete at home with just the tip of your finger. Remember consistency is key for an effective workout.  Create or try something new    Even just baking a batch of new cookies for yourself or creating new artwork or trying a new craft, getting creative enables productivity and assist in mindfulness especially during times of depression   Instructable is a creative community of people who explore and share  their projects with step-by-step instructions   Online counselling and therapy Seeking online professional help is an important part of overcoming depression and anxiety. Just like the flu, fever or migraines, we should seek an expert or doctor when we need help. The same applies to our minds as they are not always perfect. If there are any signs of depression and anxiety especially during times of Covid, rest assured as our professionals are here to help you!  If you would like to consult or connect with a professional feel free to download our Cyber Clinic app on the Apple Store or on Google Play. You may also head to How it Works  on how to download the app. Our practitioners offer Medicare rebates. Remember, balance and consistency is key to everything. We understand your motivation might be low but if you are going through depression, anxiety or stress. Remember you are not alone and Cyber Clinic is here for you. Start your online counselling now, improve your diet, begin your journey to exercising even if times are tough, you can do it!    


neuroplasticity for healthy minds
Your mind can repair and rewire itself. The ability of the brain to adapt to changes in your environment by forming new neural connections overtime is defined as neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity explains how the human brain is able to adapt, master new skills, store memories and information and even recover after a traumatic brain injury.  Some ways to increase the plasticity in your brain Quality sleep Early to bed, early to rise will help fight fatigue, reset our bodies to keep our memory and health in top shape. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours of sleep Intermittent fasting Intermittent fasting helps stimulate your brain by calorie-restriction. Fasting increases synaptic plasticity, promotes neuron growth, decreases the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, and improves cognitive function according to the Society for Neuroscience. During fasting, a metabolic shift lowers the body's leptin levels, a hormone produced by fat. As a result, the brain receives a chemical signal for neurons to produce more energy. Travel Open your mind to new possibilities and experiences by getting on the road. Take a weekend road trip to a different place and give your brain the same stimulation as travelling overseas. Memory training Start with remembering names, pictures, poems and your not-so favourite movie or sports stars. This stimulates your mind to produce new neural pathways.  Meditation  Meditation 6x6x6x6 For 12 minutes a day, find a quiet place and give yourself a gift for life. Start with breathing through your nose for 6 seconds, hold your breath for another 6 seconds, exhale for 6 and pause for 6. Do this 6 times.  Revert to normal breathing.  Exercise Move faster, walk longer, jump higher, breath deeper. All these simple changes help to produce happy hormones in your body for you to function at your best at all times


how i tackled anxiety
One in six Australians is currently experiencing depression or anxiety or both. Beyond Blue Breakdown: 17.0% of Australians aged 16 to 85 have experienced anxiety and/or affective disorder in the past 12 months. This is equivalent to 3.2 million people today. This is one of our team member’s stories on how she tackled anxiety.   Tash has been suffering from anxiety since her mid-twenties. “All of a sudden the fear of being surrounded by tall buildings, being in an elevator, driving a car and sitting on board for a flight, became overwhelming and very scary for me. I was becoming my own enemy and the voices in my head told me that I was a threat to myself. I thought that one day these feelings would leave me, and they did, however, after several years, the type of fears changed, yet the anxieties remained. Walking alone in the dark from the tram stop to my house, being the only passenger in a taxi, the constant fear of losing my job, the list went on. I ended up having frequent panic attacks, would call an ambulance believing that I was having a heart attack. The pains in my chest would become unbearable yet, the doctor’s report on my heart health and blood tests were fine. I trialled various diets, did all sorts of physical exercise and spent time with quality social networks and friends, but would come back to the anxious moments and endless thoughts of the worst-case scenarios in any moment of being on my own. I disliked my own company as this was when my mind played up. The activities that I was enjoyed, became a task and I lived in my boxed mind.  I was later diagnosed with an autoimmune condition as my body was either in a flight or a fight mode. Someone once told me, that when we are sad, our organs weep. This was true indeed. Constant arguments, misunderstandings with close people and family members, very little to no sleep for endless nights and no energy underpinned the feelings of low self-esteem and self -worth and I began questioning my existence and why all this defined me. I knew I had to see a therapist, but I struggled with finding time in work hours and also could not afford the cost of seeing one on a weekly basis. When I finally was provided an EAP benefit, I could not align with many psychologists or vice versa, and finding the best-fit mental health practitioner for my needs was not easy. It has been four months since I last saw my psychologist. She helped me ground myself, by bringing me back to the now. CBT and probing into the whys of my reactions to events and my thoughts and fears, I learnt about myself and knew that I was to change a few things in my life to get ahead of my situation. I started with being loyal to my needs first. I went to every psych consult religiously, and in the third session, realised how I was changing as a person, I felt strong, proud and empowered. I was taught to create boundaries and continue to enjoy amazing connections with my friends and loved ones. I learnt to self-love and nurture my needs ahead of others. I was learning to say “no” politely and firmly and to stand in what I believed. I felt like I could surrender to the new me and still feel free. Fast forward to now, I do these things daily to keep on top of my mental health: Embrace me and accept me for who I am Remind me of my strengths, values and principles Tell myself it is ok to not be ok Respect myself and others Not take life too seriously Take deep breathes and breaks from work throughout the day Be selective about friends and continue to be kind and loving Treat myself to my favourite snack, movie and pastimes without feeling guilty Do gentle exercises daily to rejuvenate Make a point to eat healthy fruit, veg, seeds and drink a lot of water Go to bed early and switch off from the screen an hour in advance It is ok to say no to demanding friends and relatives


10 more mental health gov subsidised sessions
We welcome the good news from Minister Greg that the Government will provide 10 additional Medicare subsidised mental health consults for those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic after lengthy meetings with the APS. We are proud to offer this to our existing clients to help support with their current mental health treatment plan.   Mental health and suicide prevention remain one of the Government’s highest priorities, and this Government recognises the mental health impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on individuals and communities, particularly those in areas such as Victoria, where regrettable but necessary measures are needed to stop the spread of the virus. New items will be created under the Better Access to Psychiatrists, Psychologists and General Practitioners through the MBS initiative (Better Access) and will be available from 7 August 2020 until 31 March 2021.    Patients need to have: A Mental Health Treatment Plan Have used all of their 10 sessions in the calendar year; Have to undertake a review with their GP after their 10th session The Australian Government continues to demonstrate its firm commitment to the mental health and wellbeing of all Australians, with estimated expenditure for mental health services and suicide prevention to be more than $5.2 billion in 2019-20.


rural australians are dying – how regional businesses can help fill the mental health gap
Ten per cent of Australians live in regional and remote areas – that’s 2.6 million people who can’t easily access the mental health services they desperately need.         How can rural businesses help? I recently asked a friend from Brisbane if she would pack up her family and move to a rural town in Australia if she knew that cancer rates were twice as high than those in the city? She looked aghast and said no, of course she wouldn’t.  I then asked, “what if your son had a chronic condition and you knew that 75% of the specialists he would need were based in major cities, would you move to a rural town then?” Her answer, as expected, was another emphatic no.  And yet, this devastating reality is what we ask of regional and rural Australians suffering from mental health issues.   Between 2010 and 2017, the rate of suicide in remote areas was almost double that of major cities, and in 2015 VicHealth reported that 88% of psychiatrists, 75% of mental health nurses and 75% of registered psychologists were employed in major cities, leaving the remaining workforce to serve all other rural and regional areas. Is this truly the best we can do?   Specialised Access Last week the results of a review of the Australian Government’s Better Access mental health scheme were released, and the results showed that the scheme is inequitable in its current format, especially for those in rural and regional areas. In fact, a 2015 study found the delivery of Better Access services was typically greater in more advantaged urban areas. In order to combat this inequity, the Australian Psychological Society (ASP) is recommending to the government that a new certification for regional and rural psychologists be created as a recognition of the unique skills required to work in remote areas. By creating a regional psychology speciality there is hope that access and delivery of rural mental health services will receive more focus and funding from the government in years to come. But, until such provisions are up and running, where can people turn for help today?   Offering Options With limited access to qualified and specialised psychologists within a reasonable distance from their home or workplace, many rural Australians are struggling on a day-to-day basis. This impacts their productivity, increases their likelihood of absenteeism from work and creates problems in their personal lives. In small and remote communities, one person’s struggle soon affects everyone.  Often people who live in small rural communities are reluctant to seek treatment because of a perceived lack of anonymity and confidentiality - walking into a psychologist’s office in a large city is nerve-wracking enough, but knowing that your entire community is witnessing you take that step can be downright terrifying. Plus, in urban centres you have the option of finding a mental health professional that is right for you - there are numerous choices available - but in regional areas you likely have only one option, and if that person isn’t a good fit there may be no realistic alternative available.  Until the government manages to provide modern and forward-thinking regional mental health services, rural businesses can help fill the chasm the government is unable to close. Businesses that offer digital and online mental health services to employees allow them to access the immediate help they need, on their terms, and in complete anonymity. The range of mental health professionals available on platforms such as Cyber Clinic means people can find someone who understands their unique circumstances as someone living in a regional or remote community, and who has an approach that works for them. The positive effects of providing online mental health support will not only be felt in the workplace, where an employee’s work satisfaction and morale will increase and hence business productivity, but in the wider community. Regional and rural Australians are known for being tight-knit and supporting those in their communities during tough times – offering access to online mental health services may be the most important support there is.


will the royal commission into mental health save lives, or simply score political points?
The terms of reference have been finalised and the commissioners announced but will Victoria’s Royal Commission into Mental Health actually deliver on its promise to improve mental health outcomes? On the announcement of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System just before the state election last year, I was equally sceptical and hopeful. The first of its kind in Australia, the commission couldn’t be more needed, but I felt unease at mental health issues being used for political point-scoring.  One in five Victorians will experience mental health problems this year, and yet, currently the state government only funds enough mental health services to cater for one per cent of the population, not 20 per cent. In fact, it’s the lowest per capita spend on mental health services of any state in Australia.  But funding is only one indicator of how well mental health services are functioning to meet demand, and according to the 8,000 Victorians who made online submissions for the initial phase of the commission (eight times more than the number of people who made submissions to Victoria's family violence royal commission) the system is clearly broken. The demand for change is overwhelming.  By the government’s own admission, despite the number of people who experience mental health issues in the state, only about half receive treatment. Why, in one of the most developed countries in the world, are people not getting the level of access they need? We can, and must, do better, but will the royal commission listen?  A SYSTEM FOR THE FUTURE Our current mental health system is fragmented, difficult to navigate and, most alarming of all, dehumanising to people at the very moment in time they need the most human connection.   In our modern world, there is often outcry about the dehumanising nature of digital technologies, and yet, time and again, those same technologies have brought us closer together. We connect with loved ones on the other side of the world, or doctors’ who are hours away from home, at the click of the button. Human connection is not lost because of technology, it is lost due to bureaucracy.    We live in the 21st century, and yet our mental health system is severely outdated, without any understanding of how to meet the changing needs of our society. We need to invest in digitizing mental health delivery – actually funding service provision and access in a modern way – rather than simply raising awareness and funding education programs.  A strong digital infrastructure is the backbone of every part of contemporary society – mental health should be no different. Unless the royal commission looks for solutions grounded in the future, too soon any recommendations it gives will once again leave our mental health system in the past. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Now that the first phase of the commission is over, the terms of reference have been finalised (which can be found in full here). These include how to effectively prevent mental illness and suicide, how to help people navigate the system, how to help families and those with mental illness and how best to support people with mental illness and drug and alcohol issues. In coming months, the commission is expected to release information on how the inquiry will be conducted, including how the community can contribute to its work. The commission is scheduled to produce a preliminary report by 30 November this year, and a final report in October 2020.  I encourage everyone to work with the royal commission if they can and push for radical change – anything less will be a heavy indictment that politics comes before people.


are hologram doctors the future of mental health services? maybe not, but digital health is
            Australia has launched its first ever Productivity Commission on mental health and as far as solutions go, digital health needs to be front and centre. There was a time in Australia when construction workers didn’t wear hard hats onsite, factory workers had to work 12-hour days, and no one had even heard of an OH&S safety demonstration.  Government regulations and workplaces evolved over the past 100 years for two important reasons – to protect workers and to protect the economy. It simply wasn’t good business to have once productive employees laid up in bed with broken bones or exhaustion – safe and supportive workplaces meant better productivity for companies and a better Australian economy overall. In 2019, our ‘lucky country’ now has some of the most stringent workplace safety laws in the world. But, the nature of work has changed dramatically in the 104 years since the Australian industrial relations system began. While physical health and safety must always be a primary concern, the mental load workers are placed under in our highly pressurised society is taking a toll – on them, and our economy.  AN INVISIBLE CRISIS Just last month the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated that the loss of productivity resulting from depression and anxiety is costing the global economy US $1 trillion each year. Here in Australia, four per cent of our GDP is lost every year due to productivity losses as a result of workers’ mental health issues – that’s at least AU $60 billion! However, in an extremely welcome and encouraging move, the government has established Australia’s first-ever Productivity Commission to ‘examine the effect of mental health on people’s ability to participate in and prosper in the community and workplace, and the effects it has more generally on our economy and productivity’.  Initial submissions are open until 5 April this year, and I encourage everyone to make their voices and concerns heard during this important process.  But, given the staggering economic impact of mental health on Australia’s economy why has this commission taken so long to be convened? Well, recognising and diagnosing mental health issues is much more difficult than identifying physical hazards in the workplace – we struggle as people to fix what we can’t see. And, importantly, solutions for improving the mental health of employees aren’t as easy to come by as clearly marking fire exits and limiting work hours.   REMOVING BARRIERS In 2014, an IBIS report on the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) sector suggested that the usage rate of EAP services in certain industries could be as low as five per cent. The research indicated that employees generally don’t trust EAP services, are concerned about the confidentiality of such programs, and that they are perceived to have a poor quality of care – practitioners are inexperienced, or not well-matched with their clients.  In this environment, many businesses are increasingly looking to alternative solutions. Digital health is easy for employees to access, especially remote workers or those in rural areas, and can be used at their convenience, so after hours or even on weekends.  Most importantly, digital health platforms like Cyber Clinic use sophisticated algorithms to better match practitioners with patients, measure quality of care, and ensure trust and confidentiality are the foundation of all practitioner-patient relationships.  A 2019 report identified that a barrier to using telehealth in Australia was the perception of the loss of the ‘human touch’ aspect of care – only 14 per cent of the population said remote appointments using hologram doctors in their home would have the most impact on improving healthcare today. But we don’t need to beam doctors into homes or workplaces to see positive outcomes – the digital health platforms that connect patients and practitioners via video can be just the right mix of technological innovation and human care. Digital health can change lives, improve productivity and increase Australia’s GDP, and my hope is that one day mental health support in the workplace will be as clearly visible as a well-marked fire exit.  

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