We help you find the right help you need with online therapy and keep you on track throughout your mental health journey.
Keep your private conversations private. Connect with your therapist through Cyber Clinic’s end-to-end authenticated online therapy video sessions. Your information, preferences and conversations are private and should stay that way - this is why data security is at the core of the Cyber Clinic mission.
All the data collected within the Cyber Clinic app is done with your permission and stored on secure servers that are maintained to Australian Healthcare standards. Your video sessions are protected by end-to-end authentication technology so you can have the peace of mind of safe, private and effective online therapy.
We remain transparent around our data security and quality assurance practices. If you have any questions regarding how we manage our data you can email us at support@cyberclinic.com.au
Feeling better starts by talking to someone. We give you access to online support that can help you feel better. Our therapists can help you manage problems with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, eating disorders, child counselling and much more.
The first step towards the new you is by downloading the Cyber Clinic app through the Apple or Google Play store. Explore our online mental health treatment and connect with professionals that can really help.
Take our short quiz so we can learn more about you and find out what areas in your life we can help you with.
Asking for help from a stranger is difficult, our app is built to help connect you with psychologists and counsellors that understand your specific needs and are more likely to connect with you personally.
Book your consultation with a therapist you’ve been matched with and take your first step towards a healthier, happier you
Mental health care is a growing area of interest within Australia, see how online therapy through the Cyber Clinic app is helping to pave the way.
Growth in downloads
New users
Number of appointment hours available (Per month, including weekends and after hours)
TAS is a review system built into the Cyber Clinic app to track client-therapist engagement. It monitors your relationship with your therapist. An analytic tool designed by Clinical Psychologists, it allows both clients and therapists to continually manage their relationship and achieve the best outcome.
Do away with unnecessary admin, reduce overhead costs, grow your client base and improve therapeutic outcomes - all from the comfort of your own home!
Connect your clients with a service that works for them. Create health care plans and referrals to a platform that takes the guesswork out of sourcing high-quality mental health services online.
Utilise health care that provides real data and ongoing feedback on government-funded mental health programs.
Help your employees be the best versions of themself, use Cyber Clinic to provide online psychological therapy help and improve their wellbeing through affordable and data-driven mental health online care.